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7月, 2018の投稿を表示しています

The Promise【Book Review #15】

'Your boy will grow up and become famous,' she told him. 'Be a good father to the boy. One day he will be a good son to you.'      Bahia is a country in Brazil. Over a million people live in Salvador, the capital of the country. Some of them are so rich that they can live in a large house, but others not. Pedro Moreira lived in a little wooden hut on a hillside with his wife. They had a son called Paulo, who could hardly have enough food and had a problem with his leg. However, he likes to play soccer, and that let him develop his talent for soccer. R. L. Scott-Buccleuch. (2007).  The Promise .  England: Macmillan Readers.

The Locked Room and Other Horror Stories【Book Review #14】

Mr Denton was in London one day to buy furniture for the new house which he and his aunt were building, and he was on his way to a shop to choose the curtains. His way took him, quite by chance, past one of the best bookshops in London, and he could not stop himself going in, just for a quick look, as he told himself.      In this story, there are 9 chapters. I'll introduce one of the stories in The Locked Room and Other Horror Stories, which is The Curtains from The Diary of Mr Poynter.       M.R. James. (2006).  The Locked Room and Other Horror Stories .  Engla nd: Penguin Readers.

I, Robot【Book Review #13】

"Ninety-eight! Ninety-nine! One hundred!" Gloria was standing by a tree as she shouted the numbers. She opened her eyes and looked around. She could not see Robbie anywhere. She slowly moved away from the tree.       I, Robot is a story, written by Issac Ashimov, about a society in which humans and robots live in and work together on earth. There are three rules on the earth. Robots must not harm any humans and humans must not allow robots to harm. Robots must obey any humans' order, unless that order conflicts with the first law. Robots must protect itself, unless this protection conflicts with the first and second law.      While and after reading this, I was confused and wondering what would happen to our world if something happens in this story occurred in reality. This book is such what makes you think like this. HIGHLY RECOMMEND. Asimov, Issac. (2006).  I, Robot .  Engla nd: Macmillan Readers.

Casino Royale【Book Review #12】

     Bond is a British secret agent in MI6. There is an important directive from MI6 and MI6 commands him to beat an strong Russian spy, Le Chiffre, in cards. MI6 thinks that they will be able to take his life if Bond can win the game, but the Russian spy sees through MI6's trick and tries to lead MI6 into another trap. To help his executing the plan, the assistance serves him, and she will be his girlfriend later. However, her complicated past also leads their mission into failure...      I like the two guys' tactics happened while the cards and ,also, the love game in this story, which made me constantly confused because of their strategy while the book. Also, I was wondering which one will win this game with a pounding heart. I recommend this to those who like being thrilled. Fleming, Ian. (2006). Casino Royale .  England: Macmillan Readers.